Have a Question About LMA25?


What are the dates for the 2025 LMA Annual Conference and where will it be held?

The 2025 LMA Annual Conference will take place Wednesday, April 23 to Friday, April 25, at the Washington Hilton in our nation's capital, Washington, DC. Watch for further event updates in your inbox, on LMA's social media pages and on this conference website. Registration is OPEN — REGISTER NOW!

NEW SCHEDULE! For LMA25, we're featuring a revised schedule to maximize your learning, networking and time!  Be sure to join us in time for a Wednesday afternoon opening session and education sessions!  Check out our schedule of events for more information.

  • WEDNESDAY: This year, not only are there Pre-Conference Programs on Wednesday, April 23, but also the start of our education sessions, and then the Welcome Reception that evening. 
  • THURSDAY-FRIDAY: Conference sessions continue Thursday, April 24 through Friday, April 25, with the Evening Reception being held on Thursday evening.

When can I expect to book a reservation at the conference hotel, the Washington Hilton?

You can book your reservation today! LMA has secured a reduced room rate for LMA Annual Conference attendees at the Washington Hilton. Stay steps away from the action by reserving your hotel room at the host hotel at a special discounted rate of $309 per night (plus tax and fees). The room block at this rate is expected to sell out — learn more and reserve your room now.

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Health and Safety

What health and safety measures are in place for LMA25?

For public health and safety reasons, everyone attending the 2025 Annual Conference will agree to comply with all health and safety guidelines. Any changes or additions to our requirements will be shared on this page and to all registrants.

All health and safety requirements will apply to all attendees, sponsors and exhibitors. 

Code of Conduct

We are committed to creating a safe, productive, and welcoming environment that is inclusive and free from discrimination, regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, transgender status, age, disability, veteran or marital status, or any other protected categories under applicable law.

All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, service providers and all others must abide by the following policy:

Expected Behavior

  • Be considerate of those around you.
  • Be respectful of others and their viewpoints that may be different from your own.
  • Be collaborative with others.
  • Be mindful of your words and actions.

Unacceptable behaviors may include, but are not limited to:

  • Offensive or unwanted behavior or language related to, but not limited to, race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation gender expression or identity, transgender status, age, disability, veteran or marital status, or any other similar categories.
  • Visual harassment, such as sexual images OR sexual language including in presentations, PowerPoint etc. · Sexual harassment of any kind, such as unwelcome sexual advances or words/actions of a sexual nature.
  • Wearing attire that includes harmful or offensive language or imagery that is not appropriate for a professional setting.
  • Disruption of presentations during sessions or events organized by LMA throughout the LMA event.
  • Copying or taking screen shots of Q&A or any chat room activity that takes place in the virtual space.
  • Abusive action directed at an individual, such as threats, intimidation, or bullying, both online and/or in-person.
  • Sharing your LMA registration credentials with any other person(s).
  • Making event content available to a competitor of LMA.
  • Possession of a weapon or something that could be construed as a weapon both online and/or in-person.
  • Possession or mention of illegal substances both online and/or in-person.
  • Inappropriate comments or stalking of fellow attendees.
  • Nudity is prohibited.
  • Any other illegal activity not already covered above.

LMA has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment by participants or our staff at our meetings. If you are the subject of, or witness to any violations, you can notify the on-site LMA Registration Desk or contact us by sending an email to membersupport@legalmarketing.org.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior:
Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated and could result in debarment from current, and/or any future LMA events. If a participant is found or reasonably believed to be engaging in unacceptable behavior, LMA may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from the event without warning or refund. If appropriate, local law enforcement may get involved.

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Who is on the 2025 Annual Conference Advisory Committee?

The 2025 Annual Conference Advisory Committee (ACAC) is led by John Byrne (Gould & Ratner LLP), Board liaison. We are honored to have the ACAC co-chaired by Tasneem K. Khokha (GrowthPlay), Katie Munroe (Zuckerman Spaeder LLP) and Nikki G. Sherrill (Parker Hudson), and to have eleven additional forward-thinking ACAC members to build and deliver a dynamic, actionable education and networking experience in 2025 to meet the every-growing and changing needs of the LMA community.

Get to know the full ACAC by reading their bios.

When will more information about the agenda, sessions and speakers be available?

The unparalleled, forward-thinking educational lineup for the 2025 LMA Annual Conference will be found on the Detailed Program page when that becomes available in December 2024. View the Schedule-at-a-Glance here. 

Will there be Pre-Conference Programs available?

Yes, we are pleased to share that there will be four Pre-Conference Programs to choose from for the 2025 LMA Annual Conference, offering tailored learning and topics. Learn more about the available Pre-Conference Programs and register today. Speakers will launch in December with the detailed program.

Please reach out to membersupport@legalmarketing.org if you have any immediate questions about this additional, value-add programming or if you have registered for the conference already, add a Pre-Conference program to your registration at the incremental fee and get most out of your time at the conference.

What is the CMO Experience, launching at LMA25?

LMA is excited to launch the CMO Experience as an element of the 2025 Annual Conference. This is a curated opportunity exclusive to the CMO audience, that will provide unique sharing, learning and networking for legal marketing CMOs. The CMO Experience is an exclusive segment of the LMA annual conference, specifically designed to cater to Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)* from law firms. This event provides a focused environment for peer-to-peer learning and networking among top marketing executives in the legal industry. This is a premier opportunity for law firm CMOs to engage with their peers at firms of similar makeup, culture and size, gain new perspectives and drive their firms' marketing strategies forward. Find out more on the CMO Experience page.

When will I receive recordings of the LMA25 sessions?

The LMA 2025 Annual Conference breakout sessions will be recorded and are included as part of your conference registration starting approximately mid-May 2025 (no additional fee). The recordings will otherwise be available for purchase by non-attendees.

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Registration Information

When will registration launch?

Registration launches August 2024, featuring the Super-Early Bird discount for the first 100 registrants!

After the first 100, the regular Early Bird discount will be available (through March 12, 2025). Regular rates apply after March 12, 2025. (You can always save with the group discount: buy three, get one free!)

View more registration information.

What is the policy if I want or need to change my registration?

We want to assure you that you can secure your place at the 2025 LMA Annual Conference, knowing that your investment won't be lost should your in-person attendance no longer be possible. See below ("Cancellations and Refunds") should you no longer be able to attend. 

Cancellation and Refunds

All cancellation and refund requests must be made via email to membersupport@legalmarketing.org. Cancellation requests will be honored according to the following schedule:

  • On or before March 12, 2025: Full refund less a $150 fee
  • After March 12, 2025: No refund


If you are unable to attend the conference, you may designate a substitute to fill your spot. The registration fee will be adjusted based on the substitute's LMA member status. Substitution requests must be made via email to membersupport@legalmarketing.org no later than April 16, 2025. There are no refunds for no-shows. Any requests for refunds of room reservations must be made directly with the hotel.

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Sponsors and Exhibitors

Who should I reach out to if I'm interested in learning about the available sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities in 2025?

Reach out to Liz Barrett at ebarrett@legalmarketing.org to start a conversation about opportunities at LMA25!

Can I download a list of potential sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities for the 2025 conference?

We are excited to share a suite of sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities crafted with the business needs of our service providers in mind. The 2025 Prospectus will be available in August 2024. Questions in the meantime? Contact Liz Barrett at ebarrett@legalmarketing.org. Customized packages are available!

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Terms and Conditions

LMA reserves the right to change, amend, add or remove any of the Terms & Conditions in its sole discretion and without prior notice. If one or more of the conditions outlined in these Terms & Conditions should become invalid, the remaining will continue to be valid and apply. These Terms & Conditions apply to all event participants (attendees, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors).
Health and safety policies are to be announced; all event participants will be required to follow policies.
The views expressed by any attendee, speaker, exhibitor, or sponsor are not necessarily those of LMA. All attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors are solely responsible for the content of all individual or corporate presentations, marketing collateral, and/or advertising.
On occasion, you may be photographed, video-taped, or audio-taped in connection with LMA Annual Conference 2025 activities. As a participant of LMA Annual Conference, you agree that LMA is the sole owner of all rights in and to the resulting photographs, video footage and recordings, for all purposes related to LMA's business (both now and in the future). Your name and likeness may be used by LMA in advertising and promotional materials. Participants shall receive no compensation or royalties for appearance in any materials.
Lead Retrieval
By allowing an exhibitor to scan your badge you are providing the exhibitor with your contact information and opting-in to receiving communications from the exhibitor. You will be subject to their communications and privacy policy and must opt-out with them directly if you choose not to receive communications.
Liability Waiver & Release
In consideration of being allowed to register for, and participate in LMA, you hereby warrant and represent that you are age 18 or above and freely waive, release from liability, assume all risks, and covenant not to sue LMA or its members, employees, board members, agents, or volunteers for any expense, loss, damage, personal injury, including loss of life, illness, disability, property damage, or property theft or actions of any kind that you may hereafter suffer or sustain before, during, or after the event, unless said expense, loss, damage, personal injury, including loss of life, illness, disability, property damage or property theft or actions of any kind is caused by the sole, gross negligence of LMA. This Liability Waiver & Release is specifically binding upon your heirs, assigns, and is knowingly given.
Health & Safety
Important notice re COVID-19: By registering, you are acknowledging that any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19. You further acknowledge that you will undertake all measures to protect your own health and well-being and those of others in attendance at the LEGAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025, such measures include (a) wearing masks/facial coverings; (b) maintaining social distance; (c) washing/sanitizing hands frequently; (d) adhering to Centers for Disease Control guidelines, and laws, ordinances and mandates in the locale of the conference; and (d) following LMA’s published COVID-19 safety guidelines for the event. By attending LEGAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold LMA; Smithbucklin Corporation or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.

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Contact Information

Who should I reach out to for more conference-related questions?

The LMA team is here and ready to assist you. Reach out via email or phone (+1 312 321 6898) with any conference questions you may have — from programming to sponsorship opportunities to exhibiting and more.

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